Saturday, November 10, 2012

I'm Still Blogging... and 10 Reasons to buy the Wii U!

Hello there loyal followers (or lack thereof)...

I'm just checking that you're aware that I'm still alive, and that I haven't completely disappeared off the internet. I'm just busy, which is kind of funny because at the moment I'm more busy now then ever yet I'm finally writing a post now! (That's procrastination for you!) Don't worry, Mario still rocks and let's say I have a nice box coming in 20 days...

Yeah yeah, if you live in the USA then you'll get a Wii U in just over a week, and I am VERY jealous, but at least I'm getting one, and it's shiny!

Despite some saying it's "last-gen" and it will be "outdated in more than a year", I believe that the console will be well worth the investment. Why? Here's ten reasons-

  1. Pikmin 3
  2. NEW Super Mario Bros. U
  3. Miiverse
  4. It's shiny!!!
  5. Nintendoland- face it, you want it!
  6. The inevitable must buy games- Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart, etc.
  7. Third party support- Rayman Legends, Zombi U, Mass Effect 3 Wii U Edition, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
  8. Ridiculous Nintendo costumes in Tekken Tag Tournament 2! (View more here!)
  9. Platinum Games's Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2!
  10. That controller!


  1. I tried it out today, not bad.

    1. So jealous, in Australia I don't get to try it out until the 18th! And everyone in the USA will have one by then!
